Artsy Fartsy - My Anime drawings
There's something enjoyable as well as energising about making your own illustrations and creations. I've always had a passion for art. My artwork aren't what you'd call expert masterpiece or anything like that, hell nooo lol but I still do what I love to do. It promotes inspiration and creativity through expression. And, it gives that fulfilment and satisfaction with the progress you make and
accomplishment. My favourite kind of art is drawing. For example manga cartoons.
Anime is basically the animated version of a popular manga. As I use to watch a number of anime's, and like any fanatic would do, I attempted to draw my favourites.
The way I would draw my anime cartoons is copying off the illustration by looking back and fourth from an image that I would have opened out infront of me from my phone or something using a pencil and I would change it up a little. Then I would use colouring pencils to colour. To create different shades of one colour, all I would do is add pressure to the way I colour which would make the shade darker and use less pressure to create a lighter shade. There's only so much you could do with some cheap colouring pencils but its works for me ;D ! I like outlining my drawings in a black pen just to make the image more bold and cartoon-like. In addition, I'd add some shadow effects with a pen just to give it that 3D look.
My first ever anime I started watching was Naruto. [Naruto is manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto]. It's what got me hooked into the Japanese animation. From watching this I realised how different Japanese animation is from normal stuff you watch on TV. The Naruto anime strives to be an exciting, action-filled fighting manga. It builds a colourful world full of ninjas with unique powers and personalities. It has battle after battle where the fate of the heroes and the world they live in keeps you watching and the storyline... boyyyyyy... it's just too creative and very unique. Like all animes to be honest.
Here are my drawings of some of my fave characters from Naruto.
Here's another drawing of mine I found. A character from another good anime that I watched called Rurouni Kenshin. It's is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Nobuhiro Watsuki.
Anime is basically the animated version of a popular manga. As I use to watch a number of anime's, and like any fanatic would do, I attempted to draw my favourites.
The way I would draw my anime cartoons is copying off the illustration by looking back and fourth from an image that I would have opened out infront of me from my phone or something using a pencil and I would change it up a little. Then I would use colouring pencils to colour. To create different shades of one colour, all I would do is add pressure to the way I colour which would make the shade darker and use less pressure to create a lighter shade. There's only so much you could do with some cheap colouring pencils but its works for me ;D ! I like outlining my drawings in a black pen just to make the image more bold and cartoon-like. In addition, I'd add some shadow effects with a pen just to give it that 3D look.
My first ever anime I started watching was Naruto. [Naruto is manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto]. It's what got me hooked into the Japanese animation. From watching this I realised how different Japanese animation is from normal stuff you watch on TV. The Naruto anime strives to be an exciting, action-filled fighting manga. It builds a colourful world full of ninjas with unique powers and personalities. It has battle after battle where the fate of the heroes and the world they live in keeps you watching and the storyline... boyyyyyy... it's just too creative and very unique. Like all animes to be honest.
Here are my drawings of some of my fave characters from Naruto.
Here's another drawing of mine I found. A character from another good anime that I watched called Rurouni Kenshin. It's is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Nobuhiro Watsuki.
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