β™« Shine bright like a diamond πŸ’Ž My Highlighter

Adding a highlighter to the areas that catch light e.g.. your cheekbones, below your brow bone, down the bridge of your nose, and above your cupid’s bow will enhance your natural features and give you a dewy, more youthful glow.

I literally found out about highlighters about a year ago [yeh i'm a makeup noob] [beginners experience shh! lol] my first and only highlighter I purchased was the 'Makeup Revolution Radiant Lights - Glow'. I loved it! It gave me the glow my dull skin has been lacking without it being shimmery or fake looking. To be honest, as it was my first highlighter, it was the safest option to see how I felt about using it. Gave a nice subtle glow. It isn't very exaggerated and bold like most highlighters. Something suitable for everyday wear. Having dry skin, I'm not usually a fan of powder, but this is quite soft and silky and doesn't make my skin look dry. Not going to lie, it doesn't really show on photographs too well [not sure if it's due to my phone camera or the time and whereabouts I decide to take my bloody pics -_- ] it does kind of fade away too towards the end of the day, but like I said, it's just for that bit of glow without looking cakey.

Here's me with my face beat in make up. I edited in some emoji fingers and pink dots to show where I did my highlighting using this product. As you can see it's not too overwhelming and just about shows in pics which I prefer to be honest.

There's 3 different shades, something for everyone. Exhale, Breathe and Glow.

Pale skinned ladies will love Exhale and those with a darker complexion will love Glow and Breathe.

The Glow is for me as I think it's the perfect gold shade for darker more olive skin tones. It's not even a yellow gold which I find ugly tbh πŸ˜…. This is more of a rose gold and trust me it's more suitable for middle eastern Bengali women like myself.



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