Just hover ! zu not clickz. it vont workz
💜Name 💜Age 💜Beliefs 💜Where I'm from 💜Birthday 💜Nationality 💜Siblings 💜Current job 💜Hair colour 💜Eye colour 💜Phobia 💜Celeb crush 💜Music genres 💜Movie genres 💜Current song obsession 💜Hidden talent 💜Dream holiday 💜Pet peeves 💜Fave food 💜Turn ons 💜Turn offs 💜My idea of fun 💜Countries I've been to 💜Fave colour 💜If I had a tattoo it would be... 💜If I had a superpower it would be...
💜Sweets or chocolates?
💜Somosa fillings
💜Games 💜Youtubers I watch 💜TV shows 💜Restaurants 💜Last movie I watched 💜Last thing I ate 💜Cant live without 💜Dream car
Me being a little creative on my blog. Just hover on the links to find out abit about me. Links are not actual links. Donno whyyyy i thought this was a good idea cos it obv dont work for mobile users. oh vellsss... u gotta get on ur PC to find out. :]]]
Me being a little creative on my blog. Just hover on the links to find out abit about me. Links are not actual links. Donno whyyyy i thought this was a good idea cos it obv dont work for mobile users. oh vellsss... u gotta get on ur PC to find out. :]]]
creative ;p